19 February 2011

Baby finally kicked Daddy... yay! ;)

I keep trying to get my dear husband (DH) to feel when the baby moves, which is often when we're waking up in the morning. I'll have him put his hand on my tummy, but he's usually so groggy waking up that he falls back asleep and starts snoring away. Either that, or if he's still awake and the baby kicks, I ask him if he felt it and he says, "Huh...what?"
But today... victory! DH had his arm across my tummy this morning and baby nearly kicked it right off of me. I said to him, "There's NO way you didn't just feel that!" He agreed.
Woo hoo!


  1. Yay! How exciting:-D I am hoping to feel I am able to feel kicking real soon myself!!
