02 March 2011

I hab uh cold :(

Ugh. Last night at our Bradley class I started to notice my throat felt scratchy, and this morning I woke up with a full blown sore throat, my eyes are watery, and I feel drained.

Came in to work for a meeting, but going home right after. Might grab some work to bring home, but probably it all can wait.

I need rest. I've been running around like crazy for the past few days, and stressing out about, oh, everything (childbirth classes, my birth plan, epidurals, daycare, pediatricians, baby shower, registering for said baby shower, ordering a crib, organizing the nursery, getting ready for maternity leave at work... I could go on) and it's all catching up to me.

Calgon, take me away! Or chicken soup... whatever works.

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