24 March 2011

Operation Keep Baby Cookin' - Part II

To continue with my blog backlog...

I went to see my OB Friday of that same week, on March 11, for my 28-week appointment. I had thought that, because of all of the drama with the peri that this visit would be more eventful, but really it was the same as always -- with one minor exception. When I reminded Dr. P. of my visit to L&D on Tuesday, and being put on bed rest for a week by the peri, she kind of laughed/snorted and said to me, "You know you're not going back to work, right? With all the issues you're having, it's time to pull you out. We want this baby to keep cooking as long as possible."

I honestly was a bit taken aback. I guess since the peri had been so nonchalant about everything, I hadn't really considered that I was facing something long term. Plus, I still had 12 weeks left before my due date... how could I be out of work this early??? At the same time, there was a part of me that tried to calculate what kind of improvement I would need to make in order to be fine to go back to work, and I wasn't coming up with much. Or rather, based on how I'd been feeling the past three days, I didn't see much progress; I was still having contractions now and then, and my belly seemed to tense up and cramp up whenever I stayed on my feet for too long (read: a few minutes). Sitting in a reclined position, or lying down on my side, were, and continue to be, the most comfortable ways to be.

Still, I felt like I should wait for the week to play itself out, and see what the peri said on Tuesday, before making any grand announcements, i.e., at work.

I have to say though, that, looking back, I was probably overdoing it. Lots on my mind trying to get a handle on things at work, trying to get things organized at home for baby's arrival, plus DH and I were running to childbirth classes two nights a week, back-to-back, among other things. I hadn't been getting enough sleep, and felt like I spent the week struggling to make it to the weekend so I could recuperate.

Well, I got served. And, to be honest, I'm kinda glad. Not to have the threat of preterm delivery hanging over my head -- I don't mean that at all. Just glad to be stepping out of the mix for a while, and spending some time focusing on what really matters... making sure my little bean grows healthy and strong.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Glad you are focused now and see what really matters! You and "Gertrude" are in my prayers!
