24 September 2010

This is starting to feel real...

...because I'm late -- woo hoo! (reminds me of the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland) -- and because finally got my beta test result from the doctor, and it's positive. 156 (hCG) positive, for 12 dpo. And my progesterone was 43 point something (.2 or .5 I think, didn't have a pen on me when I got the call). Sound like pretty good numbers to me. 'Course at this point I am 19 dpo (took the lab and doctor That.Long to get my results to me, which does give me some pause) and not lined up for any more tests so that'll have to do, I guess.

Now the doctor also said I shouldn't be trying to ride a tractor trailer across country next week, but hmmm... that's going to be a tricky one to dodge (it's for work, and was scheduled months ago). So I outed myself to the dispatcher tonight, and I hope she doesn't freak. I know the truck drivers are not going to appreciate having to stop every two hours so I can go for a 15-minute jaunt around the Flying J (because otherwise I'm apparently at risk of blood clots and possible miscarriage - fun stuff... not).

But I figure maybe better to give them a heads up than have to plead with them that my bladder is bursting and brave their glares. Ugh. Not looking forward to this...

Stay tuned for the fall-out.

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