26 January 2011

Snowy Day Update

Morning commute was horrible. Snow coming down fast, spent the whole time driving wondering what the devil I was doing trying to get to work (oh yeah, I work so I can get paid... ok that makes sense). Took twice as long to get there, and just as I'm taking off my coat and turning on my computer I get a text message from a co-worker saying, "We're closing up at noon. If you're not already here, don't bother coming in!" Great timing.

Turns out, this actually resulted in one of my more productive mornings of late. The last couple of weeks I have felt super sluggish and achy, and no amount of sleep seems to alleviate my fatigue. But, since DH will be going in for hernia surgery on Friday (something that needed to be taken care of before the baby gets here, and before I morph into a beached whale), and there is the threat of snow tomorrow as well, I realized I needed to get things in order and grab stuff to take home with me... just in case. Nothing like a hard deadline to get the adrenaline pumping.

So now I am home, feeling like a nap is coming on. Or maybe I'll just hang out on the recliner and watch the snow fall. Sounds about my speed today.

To back up a bit: I had my 22-week OB appointment yesterday; all is well. I asked about the possibility that I might be able to have a med-free birth experience, and whether it would make sense to take Bradley method childbirth classes (something I've been looking into, and which would start in a couple of weeks). Dr. K. said she thought the classes would be beneficial to take, though she couldn't guarantee that I could deliver med- or intervention-free. And for the first time, this pregnancy, I heard the phrase "higher risk" applied to my situation. Was wondering when that would happen. Given my age, and my high blood pressure, the fibroids, and the fact that I am being seen by high risk doctors in addition to my regular OB, I'd thought I'd have a scarlet letter H sewn in to all my maternity clothes long ago. I have to admit though, it's kind of nice that the doctors aren't making assumptions, and at least humoring me that, provided my blood pressure and the fibroids stay under control, I might be able to delivery without intervention.

That said, I'm not 100% convinced that I want to deliver med-free... I just don't really like the mechanics of getting an epidural, even though I hear they can make delivery a dream. All the same, I like having options, and I'll do what is necessary to get this baby safely from my womb to the world.


Ever had to wear braces? Or a retainer? Remember what it felt like maybe a day or two after getting them tightened... that dull ache that just doesn't go away (or disappears until it's time to put your teeth to some responsible use)? Well, it occurred to me that I'm sort of having a flashback to that sensation, only this time it's my pelvis that is being forcibly corrected. I am really achy "down there" sometimes, and it feels as if my pubic bone is being stretched apart. Fun stuff, let me tell ya. Doc says it's completely normal though, just another way my body is getting ready for Operation Get Baby Out. Well, no horseback or bicycle riding for me any time soon (snow and desire notwithstanding). I'm hobbled enough as it is.

08 January 2011

OMG... half-way already?!?

Happy New Year! I know I've neglected my poor blog for the last couple of weeks, but hopefully today's post will make up for it. :)

I can't believe I'm at 20 weeks already. While it hasn't exactly flown by, it's still unreal to me that there's only 20 weeks left to go. I am starting to feel very unprepared!

The holidays were fun, but not so relaxing. I spent much of the week between Christmas and New Year's traveling to visit friends and family, including spending 8 hours driving through the blizzard in Pennsylvania and New Jersey (I didn't say all of the travel was smart). Oh, and DH and I went emergency car shopping and bought a new family vehicle. Yeah, DH's car broke down and we found out the engine is shot. So now Operation Gratitude has converted our old car into some care packages for our troops, and we, in turn, have found ourselves a new set of wheels. Probably better that this happened now, rather than, oh, say 5 months from now, but it certainly threw a curveball into our vacation plans.

On to some baby news...

DH and I went for my Level II ultrasound on Tuesday. The baby was squirming all around, but the tech was able to (eventually) get all the measurements she needed (hardest of all was the right hand, which the baby seemed to want to hide from us. Personally I was most fascinated to see the heart. The tech got a really good shot of it beating, and I could clearly see all four chambers working away. We didn't find out the sex, and apparently the tech didn't even check (I imagine she saw anyway, she did measure both thigh bones after all, but was really good at keeping quiet about it). So we remain solidly Team Green!

At one point the tech asked me how my due date had been calculated, and I told her it was based off of my first ultrasound. Then she asked DH and me how big we were at birth. Why? Because our baby is measuring a week ahead of schedule, at a whopping 14 1/2 ounces (this ultrasound was done at 19w3d)! I wasn't a big baby -- only 6lbs, 9 oz -- but DH was a little over 8 lbs -- still not huge. I guess it's not surprising that our baby is measuring big -- DH and I are both 6'0" tall, after all. Oh boy... or girl!

Our doctor came in and said that everything looked great. He asked us if we intended to do an amnio, and we told him that we only wanted to do one if the ultrasound showed anything of concern. The doctor said, then no, I don't see any reason you need one. Woot!

The only downside to the visit is that the tech found that I have two more fibroids, making a total now of four. Doc said that they likely won't present any problem, but they want to watch on in particular, which is lower down on my uterus, and could possibly grow to block the birth canal (mandating a Caesarian). Not the end of the world, and I'll do what I need to get my baby out safely, but I'm hoping it won't come to that.

Next up: OB appointment on Monday, and then I'll see the perinatologist again in 4 weeks.

So now for the fun part... pics!

It's still hard to believe this little person is squirming around inside of me. I've felt a few "pops" and bubbles, especially the afternoon following the ultrasound, but it's still so surreal.

It was difficult for the tech to get a good shot, but the doc managed to catch this one... not too shabby! I feel like I need to eat more though, put some more meat on her/his bones... but apparently baby will "flesh out" over time.

Pretty cool stuff!

And of course, Gertrude the Bump wanted some air-time too... so here she is at 20 weeks, looking like I swallowed a soccer ball...